Okay, I've had this happen before and was never able to fix it, hopefully
someone here will recognize what is happening and tell me where I went


I'm installing a new Gentoo box, and have the basic system installed (
without X ). The problem began after I completed a successful "emerge -DuN
world" The symptom is: when I start nano, (just nano by itself, not editing
a file), several hundred lines similar to the following are spewed to the


No match found...

list val = 1

Hey, set sequence to 63 for shortcut "M-?"

No match found...

list val = 286

Hey, set sequence to 25 for shortcut "^Y"

No match found...

list val = 286

Hey, set sequence to 22 for shortcut "^V"

No match found...

list val = 3072

Hey, set sequence to 330 for shortcut "kdel"

No match found...

list val = 8191

Hey, set sequence to 8 for shortcut "^H"

No match found...

list val = 8191

Hey, set sequence to 263 for shortcut "kbsp"

Shortcut "^G", function: Get Help, menus 8191

Shortcut "F1", function: Get Help, menus 8191

Shortcut "^X", function: Exit, menus 1

Shortcut "F2", function: Exit, menus 1

Shortcut "F14", function: Replace, menus 3

Shortcut "M-R", function: Replace, menus 3

Shortcut "^R", function: Replace, menus 3

Shortcut "^E", function: End, menus 1

Shortcut "M-+", function: Scroll Down, menus 1

Shortcut "M-=", function: Scroll Down, menus 1

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-Y"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-H"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-I"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-K"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-N"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-Z"

Shortcut "^T", function: Go To Text, menus 16

Shortcut "M-F", function: New Buffer, menus 64

Shortcut "^C", function: Cancel, menus 15102

Shortcut "^X", function: Exit, menus 1

Shortcut "^Z", function: Suspend, menus 1

Shortcut "^L", function: Refresh, menus 257

Shortcut "^I", function: Tab, menus 1

Shortcut "kdel", function: Delete, menus 1

Shortcut "^H", function: Backspace, menus 1

Parsing file "/etc/nanorc"

After rebinding keys...

Shortcut "^G", function: Get Help, menus 8191

Shortcut "M-6", function: Copy Text, menus 1

Shortcut "M-}", function: Indent Text, menus 1

Shortcut "M-{", function: Unindent Text, menus 1

Main: set up windowsion: Forward, menus 1025

Shortcut "kright", fMain: open filed, menus 1025

Shortcut "^B", function: Back, menuMain: top and bottom win

Shortcut "kleft", function: Back, menus 1025               In bottombars,
and slen == "12"

Shortcut "^Space", function: Next Word, menus 1
Checking menu items....found one! f->menus = 8191, desc = "Get Help"

Shortcut "M-Space", function: Prev Word, menus 1
Calling onekey with keystr "^G" and desc "Get Help"

Shortcut "^Q", function: , menus 1
Checking menu items....Checking menu items....found one! f->menus = 1, desc
= "Exit"

Shortcut "^P", function: Prev Line, menus 1281
Calling onekey with keystr "^X" and desc "Exit"

Shortcut "kup", function: Prev Line, menus 1281
Checking menu items....Checking menu items....Checking menu items....found
one! f->menus = 1, desc = "WriteOut"cut "^N", function: Next Line, menus

ShortCalling onekey with keystr "^O" and desc "WriteOut"

Shortcut "^A", function: Home, menus 1                  Checking menu
items....found one! f->menus = 1, desc = "Read File"

Shortcut "khome", function: Home, menus 1
Calling onekey with keystr "^R" and desc "Read File"

Shortcut "^E", function: End, menus 1
Checking menu items....found one! f->menus = 1025, desc = "Where Is"nction:
End, menus 1

Shortcut "M-C", funCalling onekey with keystr "^W" and desc "Where Is"

Shortcut "M-C", function: Case Sens, menus 2054
Checking menu items....found one! f->menus = 257, desc = "Prev Page"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-H"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-I"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-K"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-N"

Hmm, didnt find a func for "M-Z"

Shortcut "^T", function: Go To Text, menus 16

Shortcut "M-F", function: New Buffer, menus 64

Shortcut "^C", function: Cancel, menus 15102

Shortcut "^X", function: Exit, menus 1

Shortcut "F2", function: Exit, menus 1

Shortcut "kenter", function: Enter, menus 1

Shortcut "^D", function: Delete, menus 1

Shortcut "kdel", function: Delete, menus 1

Shortcut "^H", function: Backspace, menus 1




And then once I'm in nano and ready to edit, typing "test" results in the




tget_key_buffer(): key_buffer_len = 1


kbinput = 101, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE, 

escapes = 0, 

byte_digits = 0, 

retval = 101


kbinput = 101, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE

mmatched nothing btw meta was 0




key_buffer_len = 1


kbinput = 115, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE, 

escapes = 0, 

byte_digits = 0, 

retval = 115


kbinput = 115, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE 

matched nothing btw meta was 0




key_buffer_len = 1


kbinput = 116, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE, 

escapes = 0, 

byte_digits = 0, 

retval = 116


kbinput = 116, 

meta_key = FALSE, 

func_key = FALSE

matched nothing btw meta was 0







Can anybody explain what's going on here, and tell me how I can fix it?


BTW, if I edit with vi.everything works fine, and of course typing at the
console works okay as well.


Thanks for listening,

Bob Young

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