On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 08:50:58PM +0530, Ashish Shukla ???????????? 
??????????????? wrote:
> ,--- Peter Wood writes:
> | Hi all,
> | I have a kernel generated with genkernel and do need the initramfs
> | because I am using lvm and  luks. Now I am trying to create a second
> | entry in grub.conf that lets me boot into single user mode in an
> | emergency.
> | Of course, adding 1 or single on the kernel line does not work
> | together with an initrd.
> | I followed the advise in the gentoo wiki on booting into single user
> | mode and added:
> | real_init 1
> | to the kernel line in grub.conf.
> | This however lets my kernel panic on boot.
> | Error: switch_root Bad init '1'
> | Attempt to kill init. Kernel Panic
> | I tried sustituting real_init 1 with real_init single and real_init
> | S1, but get the same result.
> | Does anyone now what I am doing wrong?
> How about adding 'init=/bin/bb' to kernel line.

I find that softlevel=single works for me

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