On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 21:46:41 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Schilling) wrote:

> »Q« <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've just read your outdated page  
> It is not outdated. Since more than a year, there is no visible
> development in cdrkit. So I asume that  they did not add new bugs.

cdrkit was released 17 March 2008.

cdrkit 1.1.8 is in portage and has been available from cdrkit.org 
since 25 May 2008.

> > <http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html>.  Where you
> > listed specific bugs, I see they don't affect me (and can't imagine
> > they'd affect most users).  Most of what you cite as bugs are just
> > features they haven't implemented yet (and for all I know, they
> > have since you wrote that page).  
> This is obviously FUD:

Nope, all of that was factual, though it's not worth it for me to list
the few entries that were specific enough for me to evaluate.  Only the
bugs you're *specific* about don't affect me.  In places where you are
more vague, I can't guess.  I'll just continue not to know.

> Just because you don't already know that you are affected does not
> mean that you are not affected.

I agree, about the ones that are vague.  If one affects me, I'll have to
wait until someone points it out to me and either explains or points to
an explanation.

> It would be fun to see you in 5 years after your then current OS
> won't read your DVDs anymore because of the bugs in the filesystem
> structure.

It'd be great if someone would point me to information about this
instead of just enjoying the prospect of it harming me.

I no longer expect you to provide any useful info, so I'll check out of
the thread now.  Good luck with your efforts to improve the situation,
if it needs improving. 

     Kleeneness is next to Gödelness.

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