On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Kevin O'Gorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For reasons discussed elsewhere, I've got to get serious about spam.  But my
> first 3 attempts to emerge spamassassin have failed. (on x86).
> For one thing, there's a detection process near the beginning that is
> failing to detect Perl modules that are actually present, and from portage
> not CPAN.
> First it was Digest-SHA1.  Re-emerging it fixed that, so maybe there was
> bitrot somewhere.  But now it's doing the same thing with Mail::DKIM, but
> that's fortunately not a show-stopper like SHA1, but it's still worrisome.
> Now the show-stopper is some access violations that make no sense to me.  It
> says it could not 'mkdir /usr/share/spamassassin', but I could do it
> from the command line (as root).  Having done it, it still complained but
> proceeded to report an access violation on an attempt to 'chmod 0644
> something'.
> I could also do that one from the command-line.  Grrrr.
> Has anyone seen this, and know of a workaround?

Use mail-filter/bogofilter? It uses bayesian techniques too, and I
*think* it's compatible with SpamAssassin (I use Evolution, and it
lets you choose among both of them).
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