On Sunday 13 July 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 10:40:08AM -0700, maxim wexler wrote:
> > I would like to raise my voice against the use of overly long subject
> > lines that run out of space on the line provided.
> >
> > Complete sentences are not necessary. A few, well chosen words should
> > suffice and spare the user the nuisance of opening mail that ultimately
> > is of no value to him.
> Under what circumstances does too much info hurt?  It's not like a PhD
> thesis, it's just, say, 10 words instead of 2 or 3.

Sorry!  Couldn't resist. ;-) 

I had a guy working for me who used to write the whole bl**dy email in the 
frigging Subject: field!  Arrrrgh!  When I asked him why didn't he use the 
body of the message like 'normal' people do, he argued that he intended 
saving me the time of opening the message to read it.  Sometimes you just 
can't win.

Anyway, as others asked - how long is too long for this purpose?


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