Joerg Schilling wrote:
Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a CD burner on here too. I basically set them both up the same way. The CD works just fine but the *DVD* does not.

Any ideas?


:-)  :-)
OK folks, still looking for a fix here.  Any ideas at all?

The problem is that your mkisofs command line hides the most important facts inside files that you did not send.
Try to create a scenario that allows to reproduce your problem without using


I'm not sure if you saw it but I sent the k3b debugging information in a couple posts. It had some long commands in it. I can send them again if needed.

K3b is all I have ever used so I'm clueless on any other way. I'd be glad to try a command line if you can give me the correct options. I sort of think this is k3b, udev having a bad mounting day or maybe even a kernel thing. I'm just not sure which. If you need more info just ask.

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