On Sunday 20 July 2008, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Dale wrote:
> > Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> >> Mick wrote:
> >>> [...]
> >>> What would be the recommended way of upgrading from the /dev/hd to
> >>> /dev/sd then?  I have held back doing this because I didn't have the
> >>> time to mess about with it.  If I were to configure a new kernel
> >>> without legacy ATA drivers, how would I know what my devices will be
> >>> seen as in advance, so that I can change my /etc/fstab before I reboot?
> >>
> >> The way I do it, is to label my partitions.  If your partitions aren't
> >> labeled yet, you can do so with 'tune2fs'.  If your /dev/hda1 is your
> >> root (/), /dev/hda2 your /home and /dev/hda3 your swap, you can label
> >> them with:
> >>
> >>   tune2fs -L GentooRoot /dev/hda1
> >>   tune2fs -L GentooHome /dev/hda2
> >>   mkswap -L GentooSwap /dev/hda3
> >> [...]
> >
> > Question, if I were to label mine and then boot from a Gentoo or any
> > other bootable CD, would those labels still be there?
> The labels are part of the file system; they're always there.  For
> example, when booting the 2007.0 LiveDVD (which uses the legacy drivers,
> meaning /dev/hd* instead of /dev/sd*) the labels are there and I can
> mount /dev/disk/by-label/GentooRoot just fine.

Yes, labels . . . been thinking of doing this for the last two years!  I guess 
I will have to use reiserfstune for my reiserfs partitions.  What about xfs - 
will xfsprogs do it?

Thanks for the tip.  The thing with the conventional device numbering system 
is that you know which one is first, which second, etc.  With Labels I'll 
have to add something to it to remind myself that this is the first 
partition, etc.  Can I have blank spaces in the Label name?

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