* Mick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22.07.08 20:08]:
> Hi All,
> I suspect that something changed recently on the way that USB devices are 
> mounted.  I noticed that mounting a USB flash drive has stopped working as 
> follows:
No, I think pmount behavior changed:

it now honors entries in the fstab.

> $ pmount /dev/sda
> Error: device /dev/sda is not removable
> ==================================
Normally you should mount by mountpoint not device node.

> However, clicking on the device in Konqueror under media:/ mounts it happily 
> under /media/disk.  Previously it would mount it under /media/sda and the 
> pmount command would not error out as shown above.
> ==================================

I think, there is an apropiate entry in the fstab, so pmount has not to 
create an new mountpoint.

> $ mount
> [snip...]
> /dev/sda on /media/disk type vfat 
> (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,flush,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=lower)
> ==================================
> I also noticed that "shortname=lower" is set as the default, which is 
> annoying 
> because the file/folder names are forced to display in lower case.
OK what's in /etc/fstab?

> I am using dbus and hald with a Fluxbox WM so the default KDE behaviour with 
> the automounting pop up dialog does not work here (unless I have launched the 
> full KDE DE).
Then you should think about ivman if you want automounter support. And 
Fluxbox rocks :-)


 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx


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