Alan E. Davis wrote:

My motherboard is an ASUS M2N-E.  Not high end.  And I have my doubts
about it at times.  At first, especially, there were moments.  It's
been less than six months.  I got the MB as a kit with CPU and 1GB of
RAM.  I have upgraded the RAM to 2GB as a kit of Dual Channel ram.
Earlier, I only had a single stick of RAM.  I've been through a
succession of Motherboards and etc. in the case, which I bought in
about 1997.

The 10000RPM Sata drive is an important addition.

If I could have my druthers, I'd be running a Tyan.  I have such a MB
at work with dual Opterons.  There is a feeling of excellence to it,
but it comes at a cost.  It would be interesting to set two dual core
Opterons on that board.  One Day.


That Tyan does sound interesting. I would LOVE to have a dual CPU rig, especially if they both have dual cores. I still remember when Leo on the Screen Savers built a dual CPU rig.

Since I run folding 24/7 here, that would be really cool.



:-) :-)

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