Justin Findlay wrote:
On AD 2008 July 30 Wednesday 07:25:03 PM -0400, Daniel D Jones wrote:
Is it safe to remove QT3 from the system now? It seems like at one point that there were still packages in KDE that needed version 3 installed.

I have both version 3 and 4 on the system. If I remove the qt3 use flag, enable the qt4 use flag and do an emerge --newuse, can I then unmerge version 3?

Do all of that first and then check for qt3 dependencies with

equery depends x11-libs/qt-3*


qdepends x11-libs/qt-3*

equery is part of app-portage/gentoolkit and qdepends comes from
app-portage/portage-utils.  The q<action> commands are usually much
faster than the equery <action> ones.


Is the q commands any more accurate?  Just checking.  All for better tools.


:-) :-)

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