Apologies for any misunderstanding and if I seemed angry. I wasn't. Just felt 
Anyways, I was checking here and noticed that I've written and wanted to send a reply to that thread "Adding a gentoo workstation to Active Directory Network" which never arrived to the list (not here and seems it didn't there too). So there *is* a chance I was confused and ended up sending the Eee question as a reply to that thread, but with a brand new subject and body. In case that did happen, it happened as a mistake and I apologize again.
Certainly not my intention to promote flames on this list, which I consider a 
very good one.

Best regards,


Ricardo Saffi Marques
Laboratory of System Administration and Security - LAS
Institute of Computing - IC
P.O. Box: 6176
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-852, Campinas, SP, Brazil

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