(I originally posted this on gmane.linux.gentoo.amd64, but even though GMane authorized me to post there, my posts don't get through. So I'm reposting it here.)

Usually, when prelinking a system, it's recommended to use prelink's "-m" (or "--conserve-memory") option:

  When assigning addresses to libraries, allow overlap of
  address space slots provided that the two libraries are
  not present together in any of the binaries or libraries.
  This results in a smaller virtual address space range used
  for libraries.  On the other hand, if prelink sees a
  binary during incremental prelinking which puts together
  two libraries which were not present together in any other
  binary and were given the same virtual address space slots,
  then the binary cannot be prelinked.  Without this  option,
  each library is assigned a unique virtual address space

But on AMD64, virtual address space is virtually unlimited (or at least "very huge"). Are there any drawbacks in not using "-m" on AMD64?

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