* Michael Sullivan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22.09.08 01:16]:
> In the VirtualBox user manual, the section that talks about bridging, it
> says in one part:
> If your host is running Windows XP or newer, you can also use the built-in
> bridging
> feature to connect your host interfaces to your physical network card.
> After creating
> the desired host interfaces, select your physical network adapter in the
> Network Connections
> folder and the desired host interface adapters and select “Bridge
> connections”
> from the popup menu.
> My laptop runs Windows Vista, but I don't know what is meant by the phrase
> "Network Connections folder".  Is it a virtualbox thing?  Is it a Windows
> thing?  Either way, where is it?

It is the Windows thingy...


 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx


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