On Sunday 05 October 2008 07:28:27 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry, I mistyped some tings:

OK, that explains the last post then :-)

> I meant (hrrrmm): :)
> The /blocking/ items are only shown with
> emerge -pv kde.

The blocks do not exist until you try to emerge something that will block with 
them. Sort of like how my wife does not object to me having a girlfriend 
until I actually go out and try to get one :-)

> and
> emerge .pv gnome shows package to be updated.

You ask portage to install gnome, it does not trigger blocks, so everything 
works fine.

In what way does this differ from what you expect to happen?

> emerge -pvuNDt world shows no blocking items nor
> gnome packages to be updated.

Emerge world updates everything you already have and/or need to have. You 
don't have kde and don't need kde and haven't told portage to install it. So 
it doesn't block.

Do you realise that kde is a monolithic package and the corresponding split 
ebuild is kde-meta?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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