On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:58:07 -0600 (MDT), RYAN vAN GINNEKEN wrote:

> Anyway on with the webcam problems i have emerged gspcav1 and loaded
> the module 
> # lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> gspca                 620752  0
> but the cameras are still only detected as usb devices and no drivers
> are being loaded.

Why would they is the module is already loaded? Are /dev/video* devices

> ps i have had these cameras work in ubuntu, mandrake, pclinux (none are
> as cool as Gentoo) so i am guessing that gentoo should work too!

Compare the output of lsmod on those boxes before and after connecting
the camera. Also look at the syslog while plugging in the camera to see
what is recognised and loaded. 

Neil Bothwick

Shin - Device for finding furniture in the dark

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