On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm on an excruciatingly slow internet connection right now.  The
> email client seems to be the major productivity blocker.  Thunderbird
> spends a lot of time loading or whatever and squirrelmail is just
> slow.  Would something like mutt be an improvement?  Any other
> recommendations?

Is it running on your local machine? I think the amount of data
downloaded should be the same for any client which uses the same
protocol, I would think.

Obviously you can disable image loading for HTML emails. You could
also set it to download headers only, and bodies only when you open a
message. You can set Thunderbird to not check for new mail except for
when you tell it to.

You might also consider a web-based e-mail solution.

Figuring out where the slowness is worst (do you have 1000 emails in
your inbox?) and try to come up with a way to avoid it.

Good luck,

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