Le mardi 21 octobre 2008 19:12:31 Fabian Köster, vous avez écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> I would like to setup a dual-head desktop using X.org 7.4 and KDE 4.1.2.
> I successfully achieved to configure my dual-head setup using xrandr.
> Basically it looks like this:
> xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --left-of LVDS
> The VGA-0 screen's resolution is 1680x1050, the notebook-display is
> 1400x1050.
> As said before this works fine but KDE 4.1.2 treats the two screens as one
> single screen so the panel is centered in the middle of the overall-desktop
> and windows maximize over both screens. (See screenshot
> http://koesterreich.de/gentoo/screenshots/big-desktop.png)
> The desired behavior is that the panel is just on one screen (optionally
> more panels on the second) and the windows only maximize on the screen they
> are currently located.
> Do I have to compile KDE (and maybe other packages) using the 'xinerama'
> USE- flag? In that case I would say this is confusing because I think that
> xinerama is deprecated and I would suggest to rename it to something like
> "multi-head".
> If it is of interest: I have a ATI Mobility Radeon X1300 and addressed by
> the 'radeon' driver.
> Regards,
> Fabian

Yes you have to use the xinerama use flag.


Paul Ezvan

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