On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 20:38 +0000, James wrote:
> Albert Hopkins <marduk <at> letterboxes.org> writes:
> > Perhaps you can run strace (or bash -x) on it to see where it's hanging.
> Oh, I would not know the syntax. No man page for strace. more info?
> syntax suggestions? The machine hoses everytime I run python-update.

Probably no man page because it's likely not installed.

    # emerge strace

But the generic way of running it is

    # strace python-updater

> > > # eselect python list
> > > !!! Error: Can't load module python
> > Probably because there is no eselect module for python installed (there
> > isn't one on any my machines).
> Right, so now I installed it and it says:
> Available python interpreters:
>   [1]   python2.4
>   [2]   python2.5 *
> So why does python-updater have to be used at all?
> Everything else seems fine....

The python-updater and eselect module do completely different things.
All the eselect module probably does is update a
symlink: /usr/bin/python => python2.5.  What python-updater is supposed
to do is take all the packages that were emerged against python2.4 and
re-emerge them agains python2.5.  Basically what it does is identify all
the files in /usr/lib/python-<oldversion>/site-packages, associates them
with packages and re-emerges those packages.  It's a shell script so

    # bash -x /usr/sbin/python-updater 

should give you some indication as to where it's hanging.

Hope this helps.

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