On Wednesday 29 October 2008 18:41:47 Andrey Vul wrote:
> > [blocks B     ] <sys-fs/udev-114 ("<sys-fs/udev-114" is blocking
> > media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.19-r2, media-libs/libgphoto2-2.4.2)
> >
> > My usual solution for problems of this kind is to mercilessly unmerge any
> > packages that stand in my way, but, considering we are talking about
> > packages like qt and udev, i must admit i do not dare to follow my usual
> > strategy.

Instead of unmerging stuff without mercy, taking a sledgehammer to the problem 
and generally acting like a Windows user, I recommend you read the output and 
understand what is going on.

It clearly says that your *current* version of udev which is less than 114 is 
blocking sane-backends and libgphoto. So, merge udev separately:

emerge -av1 udev

there's no need for udev to go in world, it's already in system. Then emerge 
world and it will probably work (after you deal with qt that is, but another 
poster told you how to do that)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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