Hi Zhang,
on Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 03:30:55PM +0800, you wrote:
> > I interpret the above as "use a maximum of 300,000 KiB of memory, of
> > which 300 may be resident (i.e. in physical memory) and 299,700 swapped
> > out." That doesn't sound good, although I'm not sure I'm reading it
> > correctly.
> Sorry, it seems I used these parameter without care. I guess I only need
> to set physical memory limit, a.k.a. resident memory.

Yes, that sounds reasonable. Remember it's in kilobytes so that would be

> OT: I don't know why I have
> max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 32
> But it has been like that before I set ulimit.

"Locked memory" is memory that a process has protected against being
swapped to disk. The best-known example is the memory gpg uses to store
keys and passphrases, it would be pretty bad if it got swapped and
someone could find your unprotected key on the disk later, so gpg tries
to lock this memory in RAM.

> I don't have a file called /etc/sercurity/limits.conf and neither can I
> find information about it by using 'man limits.conf'. Further I couldn't
> find a package called pam_limits to emerge. Can you give me some clue which
> package I should emerge in order to set limits.conf ?

The pam_limits module is part of the standard PAM distribution, here
it's sys-libs/pam-1.0.1. Maybe just re-emerge it?

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