Harry Putnam wrote:
Daniel Pielmeier<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

emerge -pv --depclean atom

I realize cryptic answers are the ultimate in cleverness and show
massive sophistication but how is this used to show dependencies to
some specific package.

Maybe a little more detail would keep my little pea brain from smoking
under the load ;)

I realise when you've been debugging for a while you're brain may get a bit frazzled, but if you looked at `man emerge` you would find the answer.

In sympathy, here are the relevant parts:

 emerge [options]  [action] [ebuild | tbz2file | file | @set | atom]
 atom   An atom describes bounds on a package that you wish to  install.
        See  portage(5)  for  the  details on atom syntax.  For example,

          Use  --depclean  together  with
        --verbose to show reverse dependencies.

Now, I have to leave you with something to do to find the _exact_ syntax in your situation :)

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

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