I have a MSI Wind U100 netbook. I'm using xfce with compiz-fusion.

When I try to start mplayer -fs file.avi the Xserver freezes. It also freezes when the logout window of xfce, that gray "transparent" background, tries to show 3 buttons (logout, restart, poweroff). I can only move mouse cursor. Pressing ctrl+fN, ctrl+backspace, clicking ... does not work. Xorg.0.log says something like "EQ overflowing" and something about "infinite loop". I don't have access to it right now (I'm in job).

When compiz is disabled everything works well.

Everything started to happen after move from xf86-video-i810 to xf86-video-intel. At least this is a time when it stopped to work for me.

I've checked some other versions of that driver by unmasking it and it's
dependencies... I tried changing to XAA, EXA in xorg.conf but it did not helped.

Can some one help me with this?

Kacper Kopczyński

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