On Saturday 06 December 2008 23:40:15 Philip Webb wrote:
> At start-up & shut-down, lines appear on screen :
>   /var/log/lvm2.log : fopen failed : No such file or directory
> When I check for the file I get :
>   root:537 log> pwd
>     /var/log
>   root:538 log> ls -l lvm2.log
>     -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 116194 2007-11-02 04:49 lvm2.log
>   root:539 log> file lvm2.log
>     lvm2.log: ASCII text
> It seems it was written when I set up LVM on this machine in 2007 ,
> but hasn't been accessible since then.
> Is the problem that  /var  is not mounted at these moments ?
>   root:535 log> df
>     Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>     ...
>     /dev/mapper/lvm-var    2097084    647704   1449380  31% /var
> If so, what is the correct way out of the jam ?

I left mine at the defaults settings, thusly

log {

    # Controls the messages sent to stdout or stderr.
    # There are three levels of verbosity, 3 being the most verbose.
    verbose = 0

    # Should we send log messages through syslog?
    # 1 is yes; 0 is no.
    syslog = 1

    # Should we log error and debug messages to a file?
    # By default there is no log file.
    #file = "/var/log/lvm2.log"

    # Should we overwrite the log file each time the program is run?
    # By default we append.
    overwrite = 0

    # What level of log messages should we send to the log file and/or syslog?
    # There are 6 syslog-like log levels currently in use - 2 to 7 inclusive.
    # 7 is the most verbose (LOG_DEBUG).
    level = 0

Seems this is adequate to get around your dilemma

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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