On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 8:50 AM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+gentoo <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> It's not ATI or water cooled, but I got a GeForce 9600 with a giant
>> aftermarket heat sink preinstalled
>> (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814134050),
>> totally passive fanless and silent, for under $100 at the time I
>> bought it. I get steady 200fps at 1600x1200 in Sauerbraten, and FIFA
>> 09 plays nice and smooth in wine. Temperature readings have been
>> consistently low. I don't think water cooling is necessary if you're
>> not doing anything special to torture the card (unless you just want
>> to do it just for the fun of doing it, of course). I've gone the
>> fanless, heat sink route on 2 systems now and have had no problems at
>> all after having 2 video card fans die after less than 1 year each of
>> use.
> Hmmm,
> This sounds very interesting. I'm not ready to pony up the hundreds of
> dollars for retail water cooling systems. So I think now I'm going
> your route on passive video card cooling to get a reasonable priced
> 'second-tier' gaming system under gentoo. Beside my target system
> is only and AMD 4600, but, it has a fan over the CPU, with a schroud
> that directly exhaused the hot cpu air, directly out the side of the
> case. Very quite and I got it on a closeout from tiger direct. I do
> not mind a little noise, just not the high pitch squealing of a fan
> on a video card.......
> Any techniques, available in Gentoo, to monitor the temperature
> of and of the new video cards?
> This newegg pages shows this About the GeForce 9600:
> Ports
> HDMI    1 via Adapter
> DVI     2
> TV-Out  HDTV / S-Video Out
> Did your card come with the DVI-to-HDMI adapter?
> So do you know anything about getting HDMI out of the the video card?
> What does the "Adapter" look like? HDMI has  software based negotiation
> protocol, so theoretically, you do not have to do all of the gymnastics
> with xorg.conf to get the highest and best resolution, when you plug
> the video card into a large screen HDMI equipped LCD monitor/TV
> that has HDMI inputs.  Does the GeForce 9600 auto-negotiate over HDMI?


I've never tried the HDMI, so I can't say how it behaves, but yeah it
came with a DVI to HDMI dongle thing. As far as I know the video
signal in HDMI and DVI are identical, and that HDMI is basically like
"DVI with sound". I could be wrong about that though.

One thing to beware of with this particular card is that it is HUGE,
both in length and the big Arctic Cooling heat sink causes it to be
very tall. I have an enormous thermaltake armour case and it was still
a tight squeeze. If your case is less than 9 inches wide I don't know
if it would fit.

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