On Sonntag 21 Dezember 2008, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> That was one of the coldest, most invisible, and hardest to
> troubleshoot communication errors I've ever seen. I don't even know
> where to begin. It's like being in a foreign country and being told,
> years later, that wearing shoes there meant "I'm not serious, so
> please ignore my opinions.".  The funny thing is, I have been
> subscribed to this mailing list for maybe 2 years now, mostly just for
> asking questions, but I didn't suspect that I was being ignored since
> I usually got one or two answers.
> I would like to express must-needed-to-be-expressed frustration, as
> there is place for it, and to make aware that that is a serious
> problem.
> I am currently searching my subscription info, the gentoo site, or the
> mailing list welcome for any hints that html messages are rude or
> unwanted. I am having some difficulty finding it, that alone is a
> warning sign that the amount of pre-specialization needed to
> participate in the community is dangerously prohibitive to the point
> where it is almost invisible.


> This is a _community-wide_bug_, if ever there was a place to file it.
> I don't recall it being rude to send html emails anywhere else without
> it appearing in bold letters. Had I known, I would have always used
> plain formatting.


almost all linux mailing lists - and almost all technical mailing lists have a 
no-html rule. If you decide that fance formating is more important than 
readership, you are on your own.
Also every month is a lenghty thread where people tell someone to stop using 
html. You must have skipped that threads.

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