Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> Dude, I'm getting a Dell!
> It's gonna come with Vista, and I have to use it that way for work.
> But I want to
> put a Linux partition on there.  So I need to repartition.
> Having learned to be cautious, I'm wondering if there is a good open-source 
> way
> to back up about 300GB of NTFS such that I can restore fairly smoothly.  It 
> has
> to be fairly fast, so file-by-file copies are probably going to suck.
> I'll have 100MB
> ethernet to a big-enough drive.
> Then, I'm wondering about partitioning tools.  I can use
> PartitionMagic 7.0.  I've heard
> of gparted, but not used it.  Any advice?
> ++ kevin

If I recall correctly they no longer actually ship a windoze CD/DVD to
install/restore from, don't forget to make your copies just in case you
make a mistake and have to reinstall windoze.  I would hate for you to
have to go buy a copy of something you already had to pay for.

Good luck.


:-)  :-) 

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