
Normally I'm using SSH with regular password login, and I've read
about generating a keypair and having a password-less connection that
way. Is there a way to require both the key AND a password? Basically
if I put the key in my SSH client at work, I don't want a co-worker to
be able to login to my home PC, or someone to grab my phone, etc.

Is there a way to put a passphrase on the key (seperate from my user
account password)? Maybe that would work... Otherwise I've thought
about having a dummy SSH account and then "su - realuser" to get
access, but that seems kind of messy.

I've always used password login and IP-restricted it, but now I'm
traveling more and never know what IP I might be connecting from, so
using a key seems to be the best plan, or maybesome kind of
portknocking (but that's difficult from restricted ssh environments
such as a phone).


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