On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM, David Relson <rel...@osagesoftware.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 08:24:55 -0500
> Dan Cowsill wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Matt Harrison
>> <iwasinnamuk...@genestate.com> wrote:
>> > Thanks for the detailed information. I have some news, but it
>> > requires me to put on my embarrassed face.
>> No need to be embarrassed!  I work in the repair industry and I can't
>> tell you how many times I've run into the same thing.  The worst is
>> when the button is stuck or there's a short in the block and you just
>> can't figure out why it'll only stay on for a half second.
>> I've given up trying to deal with Asus.  Every technical support
>> situation I've been in with them makes me want to visit unreasonable
>> harm on cute fuzzy things.  However, I've gotta say they do make some
>> decent hardware.
>> Good luck,
>> D
> Just a week or so ago I was switching from an IDE hard drive to SATA, a
> task which entailed adding SATA port to my kernel, tweaking grub, etc.
> At one point, when selecting a drive (by switching cables), the mobo
> end of the SATA cable got detached.  Since I was experimenting with
> software settings I assumed a mistake was why the SATA drive was no
> longer visible.  It was a while before I thought to check the cable.
> Sigh :-<

I did the same thing when building my PC and thought I was doing
something wrong. The aftermarket SATA cables I bought were VERY loose
(with no locking mechanism), and the drives are packed in very tightly
so the slightest bit of a touch on the cables causes them to dislodge.

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