On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Hung Dang <hungp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to mount a new hard drive formatted in ext3 to /mnt/C such that
> multiple users can use it.
> However, all users can only read the data from the share drive
> Any suggestion?
> Below is my fstab  configuration:
> /dev/sda1       /mnt/C   ext3  rw,auto,noatime,defaults 0 1
> Thanks
> Hung

Do you have rw permission set to the contents of the the formatted
harddrive? For example, if you want the whole thing to be rwx, do
chmod 777 /mnt/C/* -R. I personally, would do this:

find /mnt/C -type d | xargs chmod 777
find /mnt/C -type f | xargs chmod 666

This will make all directories in the drive writeable, readable and
executable (necessary for dirs) to everyone. All files will be readable and
writeable to everyone.

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