kashani <kashani-list <at> badapple.net> writes:

>       I've been running a Gentoo mail server for either work or personal use 
> and usually both since 2001. No real problems, but you do have to watch 
> some updates especially sasl and courier.


> My current system is
> Postfix-2.5 At minimum I'd use Postfix-2.2 which has the better syntax 
> for your virtual statements.
> Postgrey for greylisting, had some issues with sqlgrey.
> PostfixAdmin, because using phpmyadmin to manage your accounts and 
> domains is futile. I'm still on 2.1 and need to check out the newer 
> version. Requires PHP and a webserver.
> courier-imap and cyrus-sasl. Thinking about moving to Dovecot since you 
> can use dovecot-sasl with Postfix under Gentoo.
> Mysql5

> It's fully virtual, supports smtp and imap over ssl, sasl, skipped TLS, 
> and easy to manage. I do not recommend the Gentoo Virtual How-to, it's 
> ancient and silly.

Is this the page your refer to?

> I used to have a how-to on gentoo-wiki which I need to recreate. Maybe 
> this weekend.

Very cool.

> In regards to stability... don't update right away. When Postfix 2.6 
> comes out, give it a month. Or play with it in a virtual server. Same 
> with Mysql 5.1. Or whatever. I've run three separate companies on Gentoo 
> and never had much of an issue though I always had a test/stage/qa 
> environment of some sort. Also keep an eye on the forums and this mail 
> list. That'll usually give you a heads up when an update isn't quite right.

Well all of this is great news. I've pretty much decided to build
a postgtres mail server, mostly like what you have outlined.. I'm likely
to set up a second, duplicate machine for testing.

Drop a line to the list, when you have your wiki page up and I'll follow
it and make some notes on the process of settting up a postfix mail server
on gentoo.Maybe you could fix up this wiki?(or build another?):

Do you use a regular gentoo kernel, hardened setup, or what packages to
keep the mail server tightly secure?

excellent notes!


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