On Jan 31, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Jerry McBride <mcbrid...@comcast.net> wrote:

Anyone else noticing problems with the new compiler?
An example, sysklogd no longer builds with 4.3.3, but did with 4.3.2- r3, etc.
etc. New (~x86) version of sysklogd fails too....

So far, I'm not able to get the sources cleaned up enough to get it to compile
cleanly... I'm going back to 4.3.2-r3 until 4.3.3-r1 comes out... :')


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                            From the desk of:
                            Jerome D. McBride

16:41:14 up 45 days, 22:47, 5 users, load average: 3.41, 2.52, 2.34

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I couldn't even install gcc4.3.3 on my amd64 machine. The build failed each time and I essentially decided to just wait for the next revision.

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