Now the build succeeds.
Nevertheless, starting sonic-visualisers complains:

sonic-visualiser: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I cannot find libvamp-hostsdk.
Neither emergeing libvamp-hostsdk succeeds (no such package/ebuild)
nor qsearching  libvamp-hostsdk or libvamp or hostsdk
produces anything which I can use to detect the correct package
to emerge...

What you are looking for is media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.0, but I wonder why it cannot find it since it's supposedly a dependency in the sonic-visualiser ebuild.

What version of vamp-plugin-sdk do you have installed? (emerge -pvC vamp-plugin-sdk) What use flags are you using for sonic-visualiser? (emerge -pv sonic-visualiser) Is your system otherwise sane and up-to-date? (E.g., have emerge @preserved-libs && revdep-rebuild -i been run successfully after upgrading the libraries?)

Just as an example from a system without sonic-visualiser: when I try emerging sonic-visualiser on an amd64 system without many of the libraries it needs, I have to allow at least following packages that are marked unstable on amd64 (i.e., ~amd64):

dev-libs/rasqal-0.9.16 (or 0.9.15)
dev-libs/redland-1.0.8 (an earlier one might suffice, but I went with the latest available in portage)

And also naturally the sonic-visualiser-1.4 itself, which is also unstable.

Arttu V.

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