Stroller <> wrote:
> On 2 Feb 2009, at 22:52, Miernik wrote:
>> !!! Invalid PORTDIR_OVERLAY (not a dir): '/usr/portage/local/layman/ 
>> java-overlay'
> Have you tried removing that from your make.conf?

Yes, no effect:

przehyba ~ # revdep-rebuild -i
 * Configuring search environment for revdep-rebuild

 * Checking reverse dependencies
 * Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by a package update
 * will be emerged.

 * Collecting system binaries and libraries
 * Generated new 1_files.rr
 * Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 * Generated new 2_ldpath.rr
 * Checking dynamic linking consistency
[ 29% ]  *   broken /usr/kde/3.5/lib32/ (requires
[ 100% ]
 * Generated new 3_broken.rr
 * Assigning files to packages
 *   /usr/kde/3.5/lib32/ -> 
 * Generated new 4_raw.rr and 4_owners.rr
 * Cleaning list of packages to rebuild
 * Generated new 4_pkgs.rr
 * Assigning packages to ebuilds
 * Generated new 4_ebuilds.rr
 * Evaluating package order

 * Portage could not find any version of the following packages it could build:
 *  app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs:0
 * (Perhaps they are masked, blocked, or removed from portage.)
 * Try to emerge them manually.
 * Warning: Portage cannot rebuild any of the necessary packages.
przehyba ~ # 

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