sean <tech.junk <at>> writes:

> Once you go through the steps instructed here,


> Can the live CD install be altered to work just like a normal Gentoo system?
> I have managed to get my hands on a 16GB flash drive, and am thinking of
> trying it out.

Dunno, but give it a shot.

I use 4GB CF cards with CF to ide converters, and it works like a charm.
They've been up for 6 months, with no issues.

use ext2

/dev/hda1               /boot           ext2            noatime 1 2
/dev/hda2               none            swap            sw              0 0
/dev/hda3               /               ext2            noatime         0 1

do not log, or use things that generate lots of writes. If you must,
NFS mount a remote HD for all of  that. After every emerge remove
all that is not necessary from the system (examples):
/use/portage/distfile and /var/tmp/portage. and /tmp.

Keep the system/packages minimal.

CFLAGS="-Os -march=i586 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"

USE="-* -nls hardened  ncurses ssl crypt berkdb tcpd pam perl pcre \

Notice the  -Os and the -*, as they are the key.

Keep room in /boot/ for several kernels, because kernel size
minimization really helps performance.

*LESS is better*

If you are looking at a install for a workstation, google
"gentoo catalyst" for ideas.

If you come up with more/better tips, post back to the thread.



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