he...@brankie.xs4all.nl wrote:

I have been using ezmlm for the past few yeears to manage some mailing lists. Now emerge is warning me that these packages are masked for removal. So what shoud I do next:
- stick with ezmlm as long as it keeps functioning
- uninstall ezeml an reinstall from source
- find a new mailinglist manager that works with qmail (and which one would you advise?)


Kind regards, Henk.

This package is masked for removal because it's unmaintained. That means upstream aren't releasing updates or working on the code in any way. You need to consider that this introduces problems with the software working with newer versions of its dependencies and the potential security issues. (No matter how great a code djb thinks he is)

Just because a package "keeps functioning", doesn't mean it's safe to keep. You have to consider security issues, bugs, etc.

Uninstalling it and installing it from source is plain silly. Overlays mean you can move the package to your own overlay and maintain it there under the package manager. Why on earth would you choose to install manually when you can use the package manager?

You might also want to look at ezmlm-idx, which appears to be an at least somewhat active project that has maintained (a patch set for) ezmlm.

My recommendation would be to find an actively maintained replacement (and for qmail too, while you're at it)


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