On 14 Feb 2009, at 04:21, daid kahl wrote:
You can also enable line numbering, either in command mode using "set nu", or in ~/.vimrc (which I prefer since I always like line numbers, except if I'm copy and pasting...then it's annoying). There is also a macro I made (stole from somewhere and modified) to enter the date on \d entered in both command mode and entry mode, which I find handy for journals or timestamp comments in code. You can, of course, rearrange and edit how the time appears if you dislike my style.

"Timestamp script for command (normal) mode
nmap \d :execute "normal i" . strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ")<CR>
"Timestamp script for insert mode
imap \d <C-R>=strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ")<CR>

Thanks for the tips. I don't have immediate need for them, but I will bear them in mind.

Is there any way to access the vim buffers from other than vi? Using Konsole, if I want to copy something from vim I have to highlight with the mouse and right click, which is annoying. I really just want a better way to copy from Konsole that doesn't involve right click. At least shift+insert works for pasting from elsewhere...

Do you want to copy without using right-click (i.e. copy upon mouse select) or copy without using the mouse at all? I assume the latter, but that was not my initial reaction when I read "I really just want a better way ... that doesn't involve right click".


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