On 2/7/09, Arttu V. <arttu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe the new xorg-server is only supposed to work reliably on a fully
> ~amd64? This box has mostly stable amd64 and only select packages,
> mostly end-used apps like seamonkey, OOo and firefox are allowed to be
> ~amd64 along with some of their more obscure requirements (like
> xulrunner).
> Anyway, thanks for everyone for the helpful comments and ideas! I'll
> post a short reply about the success with the downgrade hopefully
> tomorrow and then try to leave this for now.

After a week of frustrating nightly recompilations with emerge -e
failing at various points (gcc-43 not supported for *stable*
packages?! o.O [1]) and futile downgrade-attempts not changing the
situation, I've finally figured out the culprit for the keyboard
trouble: acpid. I had mistakenly added it to default runlevel. (IIRC,
due to something hinting to do it with the latest xorg-server.)

Anyway, after dropping acpid the keyboard is back again, functioning
as expected, ctrl+c copying stuff, cursor keys working (I even lost
them at some point), etc. (Not to forget some keyboard related conf
settings that appeared in /etc/hal/fdi during the emerge -e kde-meta.)

That should teach me to remember *all* the changes I do, not just
suspect the unstable packages. :)

[1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229269#c4

Arttu V.

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