Hi Sebastian,

> acpi_os-name = "Linux" as kernel parameter might help.
Ok, I've changed the grub menu.lst file. After the reboot I will write
if something changes.

> and take a look if /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/ is present:
> this is the kernel interface to set the brightness.
I have it, but running
    cho 2 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
has no effect in the display brightness.

> is the appropriate kernel config category to look at in recent kernels.
Yes, that variable is set.

> BTW which kernel are you using?

> No doubt: the first dimms the videocard output, the latter the LCD.
I didn't know the reasons for this "missmatch", thanks a lot for this
brief but useful explanation.

> You can use xev to see which keycode is emmitted and then look in your
> desktop environment if this is match with some action.
In fact, Fn + dimming keys produces output. Now, to do something
useful, I need to know how to dim the light of the LCD.

> Well. it should be somehow applicable, because it is rather generic.
I don't know how to replace this line
    echo "level ${LEVEL}" > /proc/acpi/ibm/brightness

I have a file
whose contents look like
    levels:  100 51 30 37 44 51 58 65 72 79 86 93 100
    current: 72

I did some echoes to that file, but no luck so far :(

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