* Florian v. Savigny (lor...@fsavigny.de) [28.02.09 11:35]:
> Dear Sebastian,
> > there still is /etc/conf.d/consolefont that could mess up things
> The only variable that's set there is CONSOLEFONT="cp1250". I would
> not understand how the font could have an influence on the characters
> *produced* by the console, and it seems also difficult to explain why
> the shell and Emacs, which of course use the same console font, behave
> differently. (Under the shell, it looks fine while you type it,
> i.e. you cannot tell that your u umlaut actually consists of two
> bytes. But Emacs displays the lower-case umlauts followed by a space
> (i.e. two characters, but not those that most of us are probably quite
> familiar with, i.e. which you see when UTF-8 is displayed as if it
> were ASCII), while for upper-case umlauts and the eszett complains
> that e.g. "\204 is undefined".)
what does file say about the offending files?
Emacs always uses the enconding of the file, where as an redirect uses 
the locale, iirc.

I assume you know the options->mule menu in emacs, there is a lot to 
help with encoding issues...

> As to the locale, where can I look that up ... ? I seem to remember I
> purposely use no locale (or "C", I think), but I don't remember where
> I set that.

> Thanks very much!
> Florian


 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx

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