Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> Is it possible to upgrade an existing 2005 S1 install to 2008.0? I gave it a 
> quick try and ran into multiple issues. Before I expend hrs trying to make it 
> work, does anyone know if it's an exercise in futility or not? Thx

If it were me, I would save the world file, /rtc and /home and just
reinstall.  There are several updates that would be pretty extensive and
tedious to say it lightly.  I think in the long run, a reinstall would
be much faster and easier.

Giving a little more thought, maybe you should not even save much of
/etc either.  The make.conf file may be OK but I suspect there are huge
changes to everything else too.

My $0.02 worth.


:-)  :-) 

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