* Saphirus Sage (saphirus...@gmail.com) [12.03.09 00:53]:
> I've been trying to setup my laptop to enter ACPI S3 (suspend to ram)
> when I close the lid. I currently have the scripts setup as such:
> /etc/acpi/events/lid
>     event=button[ /]lid.*
>     action=/etc/acpi/actions/lid.sh

Looks normal.

> /etc/acpi/actions/lid.sh
>     #!/bin/bash
Maybe a 
      sleep 1 
will help with your issue (or more secs...)
>     for i in $(cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | grep -o closed); do
               This only has elements when the lid is closed, so the do 
               block will only be exexuted, if the lid is closed.
>         if [ $i = "closed" ]; then
          Therefor this is totally pointless, because we only come to 
          this point if the lid is closed and thus $i is always == "closed"
>         /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
>         fi
>         if [ $i != "closed" ]; then
>         sleep 5
>         fi
This whole block will never ever be reached, so you can easily erase it.

>     done

> The issue I've run into is that this will cause my laptop to suspend to
> the RAM upon any change in the lid state, irregardless of if it is open
> or closed. I tried to be more specific by utilizing the suffix of the
> event, but it's incremental, which is a bit beyond my abilities. Any
> suggestions to make this suspend only when the lid is closed?

You should test if your Desktop Environment does the suspending for you. 
Then you have to tweak there, to get the behaviour you want.


 " Religion ist das Opium des Volkes. "      Karl Marx

 s...@sti@N GÜNTHER         mailto:sam...@guenther-roetgen.de

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