gOn Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I sort of covered this a while ago but in a nutshell, when I send a
> email to this list, I don't get a copy back.  I have a copy in my sent
> box but not a copy that comes back from the list.  I view this list
> threaded so it can confuse me if I forget to copy a message back.
> Someone could reply to my message and me not even know it was me they
> responded too.

I know of two 100% sure ways to do this, and one possible way.

1. Use the web-based interface. My sent emails on this list show up in
the thread where they belong. I know, I know. :)

2. Use IMAP and utilize gmail's labels. For instance, I have a filter
set up to apply the "gentoo" label to anything on this list and skip
the inbox. In Thunderbird, the "gentoo" label shows up as a folder
under my gmail account. All new messages from the list show up there,
and my sent mail does as well. When I click that folder in
Thunderbird, I can see the threaded view of all messages on this list
-- including my own.

3. If IMAP is not an option and you must use POP, perhaps you can set
up a filter on gmail to move your sent mail to the inbox, or set up
your e-mail client to BCC yourself on every sent message.

> On the spam thing, I use POP access so I don't want any spam filtering.
> I do that on my end plus I used to get a LOT of false positives.  Right
> now, I check via web mail and tell it NONE of what it thinks is spam is
> actually spam.  It may mess up their filters but it is starting to send
> them to me so it is working a little at least.

You can disable spam filtering. Set up a filter to catch all of your
e-mail and use the "Never send it to Spam" option. I am on mailing
lists that deal with spam and phishing, probably the majority of the
messages would go to spam without that feature. On the web interface,
it even puts a little note next to the message that says something to
the effect of "Gmail thinks this is spam, but because of your filter
we've allowed it anyway".

Good luck :)


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