John covici wrote:
> Hi.  Several months ago, during an update, I converted to baselayout2
> -- openrt, etc.  This has caused a couple of annoying problems.  When
> I shutdown the computer with shutdown -r now it does not completely
> shut down, the last message I get is init: no more processes at this
> run level.  How can I fix such a thing?
> The other problem is that once in a while a service dies -- named did
> this -- and it would not let me stop the service and when I tried to
> restart I got the message that the service was already started and it
> would not start.  How do I tell openrt or whomever that something has
> already stopped?
> Any assistance on these would be appreciated.

If something is stopped but init thinks it is still running, try the zap
option.  /etc/init.d/<service> zap

Not sure on the rest.  Hope that helps tho.


:-)  :-) 

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