On 09/03/2009, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
> rea...@gentoo ~ $ ldd /usr/lib64/NX/bin/* | grep "not found"
>          libXcomp.so.3 => not found
>          libXcompext.so.3 => not found
>          libXcompshad.so.3 => not found
>          libXcomp.so.3 => not found
> So today's update of glibc seems to have broken those binaries.
> However, running revdep-rebuilt doesn't find the breakage:
> "* Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done."

Which package owns those files?
Run "equery belongs $file" on each of them to find out. If you don't
have equery, install sys-app/gentoolkit.
If the broken files don't belong to any particular package(s), then
how did they get there to start with?

You might also like to try "emerge --depclean"; I recommend running
that with --pretend first though, and checking the list.

I hope that helps (and that it's not too late). :)

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