From the info page of GCC 4.3.3
NOTE: In Gentoo, `-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' is set by default, and is
     activated when `-O' is set to 2 or higher.  This enables additional
     compile-time and run-time checks for several libc functions.  To
     disable, specify either `-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE' or

I have seen some FORTIFY_SOURCE bugs in the bugzilla and in some cases,
people claim the the bug lies in the FORTIFY_SOURCE feature itself
(that is, people claim that FORTIFY_SOURCE misidentifies a buffer overflow).
One example:

I have installed GCC-4.3.3 (but have not enabled it through gcc-config yet),
but my system is otherwise mostly stable.

1) I would like to use GCC-4.3.3 because it is the latest bugfix release
and is presumably more bug-free (correct?).

2) But until FORTIFY_SOURCE is stable on Gentoo, I don't want it.
How can I disable it?
If I add -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE to CPPFLAGS (this would be the correct
place to add it, right?), wouldn't it disable the feature for every
package, even for those that specify FORTIFY_SOURCE on their own?

I want the traditional behavior: packages that ask for FORTIFY_SOURCE
get it, those that don't ask don't get it.

And of course, do you know if FORTIFY_SOURECE has a significant
performance cost and if it is really ready to be default (as in,
it is unlikely for new false positives to appear)?

Also, am I wise to use GCC 4.3.3 compiler in a mostly stable system?

Software is like sex: it is better when it is free. --Linus Torvalds

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