On 10 Apr 2009, at 14:50, Valmor de Almeida wrote:

Stroller wrote:
The sub-packages are not intended to be installed stand-alone - they are merely for the convenience of the devs and so that minimal work is required of your system to maintain minor updates.

I wonder why this is a required package

*  dev-tex/feynmf
     Latest version available: 1.08-r3
     Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
     Size of files: 328 kB
     Homepage: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/feynmf/
Description: Combined LaTeX/Metafont package for drawing of Feynman diagrams
     License:       GPL-2

or even this

*  dev-tex/latex-beamer
     Latest version available: 3.07
     Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
     Size of files: 2,335 kB
     Homepage:      http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net/
Description: LaTeX class for creating presentations using a video projector.
     License:       GPL-2 FDL-1.2 LPPL-1.3c

a well designed modular approach should not require these for basic functionality.

I think - and please correct me if I'm wrong, but referring to your previous post - you have USE="extra" set.

You can easily set -extra -whatever just for app-text/texlive in /etc/ portage/package.use - once you appreciate it I think you may find `flagedit` quicker than `vi` for setting flags on a per-package basis.

But as someone else observed, the files and "bloat" added by these packages will surely be very small indeed - they're probably considered a "standard" part of a LaTeX distribution.

I don't know anything about Feynman diagrams, but you might find "video projector" a little misleading - Beamer is just a package of "Powerpoint" or presentation templates for export to print or pdf. When I was at uni the lecturers used this package to format their notes for overhead projectors, and printed them on transparency paper. Importing the package will AIUI simply result in the document being processed in a large font (of a type which is clearly legible at the back of the classroom) and bullet-points before each paragraph. You may not need this, and you may be able to disable it with USE flags, but it's so commonly referred to on the LaTeX newsgroups that I'm sure its use is unexceptional and it's really not such an unreasonable thing to include as a default.


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