Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> It's more than that. It's an experimental approach to a new way of thinking 
> about desktops. 

Amen. Brah......

What I'm looking to do, is focus on voice interfaces to the desktop.

Most of my followers just want linux (naturarrly this means Gentoo
for me) to do mundane management tasks
for all sorts of little embedded devices.

Kinda like SCADA for controls, only extended to
usb and video and networked devices (avahi/zeroconf...)

Also, I'm looking to deploy video from h.264 based
cameras, as the background, whilst various amounts
of detail appear on top of the video, about the operations
of these aforementioned voice controlled devices.

QT4 is a HUGE enabler for this sort of thing.

> KDE-4 is scarcely a year old, it's a marvel that it works at all considering 
> the deep invasive changes that were necessary.

Life is a beach, and then you marry one....

So long story short, for me, looking to the future,
I have no other choices but QT4 (now LGPL)
and therefore KDE 4 on the desktop....

I feel you pain, but the Long_View has pulled me over
to the (dark side) of KDE 4.....



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