Dear all,
I'm using x11-misc/slim as a login manager, and I have troubles with
loading any DE other than Xfce. I've followed the wiki entry [1], but
I must still be doing something wrong: it fails to load Fluxbox
whether I select Fluxbox or Xfce with F1.
It's actually quite funny: selecting Fluxbox I get Xfce loaded on top
of Fluxbox; in this case, when I log out of Xfce I fall back onto
Fluxbox. I suspect that an "xfce" entry is left in some init script,
but i cannot figure out where it would be.


[I] x11-misc/slim
     Installed versions:  1.3.1-r5(16:01:49 08/04/09)(branding pam screenshot)
[I] x11-wm/fluxbox
     Installed versions:  1.0.0-r2(15:08:30 12/10/08)(gnome imlib nls
slit toolbar truetype -kde -vim-syntax -xinerama)

li...@localhost ~ $ rc-status default | grep -i xdm
 xdm                                                                [ started  ]
li...@localhost ~ $ cat /etc/conf.d/xdm | grep -i slim
li...@localhost ~ $ cat .xinitrc
#SLiM session call
DEFAULT_SESSION=dbus-launch startxfce4

case $1 in
        exec startfluxbox
        exec $DEFAULT_SESSION

# load local modmap
test -r $HOME/.Xmodmap && xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap

li...@localhost ~ $ cat /etc/slim.conf | grep -i login_cmd
login_cmd           exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
li...@localhost ~ $ cat /etc/slim.conf | grep -i sessions
sessions            xfce,fluxbox
li...@localhost ~ $ cat /etc/slim.conf | grep -i sessionst
#sessionstart_cmd       /usr/bin/sessreg -a -l :0.0 %user
#sessionstop_cmd     /usr/bin/sessreg -d -l :0.0 %user

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