
I would like to start net.eth0 manually, therefore I currently have

-> rc-update show
               acpid | battery      default
            bootmisc |         boot
             checkfs |         boot
           checkroot |         boot
               clock |         boot
         consolefont |         boot
            cpufreqd | battery      default
   hibernate-cleanup |         boot
            hostname |         boot
             keymaps |         boot
         laptop_mode | battery
          lm_sensors | battery      default
               local | battery      default nonetwork
          localmount |         boot
             modules |         boot
              net.lo |         boot
            netmount | battery      default
           rmnologin |         boot
           syslog-ng | battery      default
             urandom |         boot
          vixie-cron | battery      default

but net.eth0 continues to be started upon booting. In fact

-> /etc/init.d/net.eth0 status
 * status:  started

Is netmount starting net.eth0? If not, how can I stop it from starting automatically?



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