James wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for suggestions to use for DNS registrars.
> But first a few key points.
> 1. "I" own the domain name exclusively. This means if I want to 
> change (move) registrars, it's not an issue, except for expenses.
> 2. No bundled packages for space of any kind needed or wanted.
>    (I'll be running my own server on dedicated connection).
> 3. No DNS restrictions except for the Registrar running
> optional secondary (dns) service for me.
> I need to run the primary and the secondary DNS servers.
I use http://freedns.afraid.org/ . Doesn't meet your not-free
stipulation, but I think just about encompasses everything else....
> Are there any other choices using Gentoo, other than
> DJBDNS or bind-9 ? Thoughts?

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